A holistic massage is a complete, profound energetic massage that rebalances and reconnects the body and mind. It stimulates the body’s self-healing abilities.

With slow gentle touches and using a warm natural oil, I help you relax your body and your whole system at a deep level. Your body may respond by indicating sore spots, emotions or thoughts. Everything is welcome. When you surrender to this, your body can release them.

At the same time, I gently activate and stimulate the energy channels (meridians) in your body so that possible blockages, unresolved emotions and experiences, accumulated stress, fixed patterns, etc. can be released and the energy can flow through your body again via these channels. These energy pathways are linked to organs in your body, so they too are fed with that fresh energy. In addition to the relaxing feeling, this also has a revitalising effect.

You feel relaxed and refreshed at the same time after a holistic massage. You can also feel effects in your physical health and in your emotional and spiritual well-being.

Through this massage, you reconnect with your body and are more aware of what you and your body need. You feel powerful and energetic and can trust yourself again.

Super nice experience, it was an immersion in an oasis of tranquility. The massage was relaxing and revitalizing at the same time, leaving me in a very deep peace during the massage, and whose renewed energy I carried with me for several days.


  • Practicalities
  • Price
  • Masseur 
  • Book Brussels
  • Book Ghent
  • in company
  • I give massages for any m/f/x seeking physical relaxation and re-energising.
  • It is best not to eat too heavily before the massage.
  • Taking a hot shower or bath at home beforehand can be beneficial.
  • The massage itself takes 1h or 1.5h (you decide) but it is best to count half an hour extra from entering to leaving.
  • Before the actual massage there is a short check-in during which everything that is still needed for a safe and pleasant inner journey can be mentioned.
  • I give this massage on a massage table. You keep your underslip on (if it feels safer, women can keep a bra on; provide one that can withstand oil). You are covered with a towel throughout the massage. Only the parts I am currently massaging will be bared.
  • After the massage, I allow time for your body to integrate the energies and experiences.
  • I advise you not to plan any (busy) activities afterwards and allow your body to rest and integrate so that it can continue to enjoy the experience.
  • It is desirable to drink a lot of water afterwards to nourish your body and cells with fluids.
  • There is no possibility of showering, but the oils are natural and good for the body so you can easily rub them off with a towel or let them fully soak into the skin.

  • 1h : 60€ - 3 session Pass: 150€ instead of 180€
  • 1h30 : 90€ - 3 session Pass: 240€ instead of 270€

  • You can pay cash or via payconiq
  • An invoice can be drawn up if required.

  • If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible (0494/306779). This means at least 24 hours in advance.
  • I will charge a fee of 35 euros for appointments that are not cancelled in time.
  • Matthias Dusesoi
Book Brussels

Healing Stories - Boulevard de la Cambre 72, 1000 Brussels

  • on mondays between 6pm and 10pm
  • on fridays between 1pm and 5pm

Contact me



A prana flow massage is

  • an energetic, sensual tantra massage with conscious, loving and respectful touches.
  • is a form of energetic therapy for the body.
  • a profound inner journey, an exploration of your body and its energies.

In this massage, I give you and your body full attention and presence and activate your life energy and thus your sexual energy with gentle and sometimes firm touches. I invite you to fully surrender and enjoy yourself, your body, your sexual energy and life.

Tantra massage can still be very exciting. You don't have to book a full massage straight away, but together we can see how you can get used to tantra step by step. Every step is a good step, as long as it's tailored to how you feel.

While massaging, I address all senses in an aimless way and invite you to receive the touches in openness and safe surrender. All emotions and sensations, such as ecstatic pleasure or deep sadness, can arise and are certainly welcome. It works liberating to be allowed to experience your sexual ‘self’ completely without inhibitions.

The massage is built on 4 pillars:

  • trust
  • goallessness
  • surrender
  • equality.

I lovingly touch all areas of your body, including yoni/lingam, but only if desired and if safe for you.

Contact with intimate areas are often avoided due to the trauma, abuse, taboo, guilt and shame involved. I invite you to re-admit this safely and step by step so that unpleasant experiences can be overwritten by new and more conscious experiences. This exploration and sexual healing allows you to get back in touch with your corporeality and your feelings and so you can re-integrate your intimate zones into your body.

This massage is a one-way massage and in no way a sexual exchange. I give, you receive. Sexual acts such as sexual interactions, kissing or oral are not part of this massage. There is no erotic purpose or happy ending.

The massage serves to let your (sexual) energies flow. You receive and stay with your attention to yourself and your own sexuality.

Your body and energy is unique and so you get a unique approach.

“It felt as if hundreds of thousands of wings were opening in my body. I felt undefined: neither man nor woman, young nor old. Just ‘being.’ I felt very happy and young.”


  • Practicalities
  • Price
  • Masseur 
  • Book Brussels
  • Book Ghent
  • I give massages for any m/f/x seeking physical relaxation and re-energising.
  • It is best not to eat too heavily before the massage.
  • Taking a hot shower or bath at home beforehand can be beneficial.
  • The treatment takes about 2h including a 1.5h massage
  • Before the actual massage there is a short check-in during which everything that is still needed for a safe and pleasant inner journey can be mentioned.
  • I give this massage on a futton. In this massage you are naked to a level that you dicede and that feels safe for you. I wear shorts so that skin contact remains possible.
  • After the massage, I allow time for your body to integrate the energies and experiences.
  • I advise you not to plan any (busy) activities afterwards and allow your body to rest and integrate so that it can continue to enjoy the experience.
  • It is desirable to drink a lot of water afterwards to nourish your body and cells with fluids.
  • There is no possibility of showering, but the oils are natural and good for the body so you can easily rub them off with a towel or let them fully soak into the skin.


  • Prana Flow, Kashmiri, 5 elements : 150€
  • 3 session pass: 420€ instead of 450€

  • Yoni/lingammassage: 180€
  • Four-hand massage: 210€

  • You can pay cash or via payconiq
  • An invoice can be drawn up if required.

  • If you are unable to attend, please let me know as soon as possible (0494/306779). This means at least 24 hours in advance.
  • I will charge a fee of 35 euros for appointments that are not cancelled in time.

  • Matthias Dusesoi
Book Brussels

Healing Stories - Boulevard de la Cambre 72, 1000 Brussels

  • on mondays between 6pm and 10pm
  • on fridays between 1pm and 5pm

Contact me
